24 March 2011

Guitar lesson #1

Thanks to these gentlemen, I've perfected my Candlebox during Spring Breakout 2011. Watch out, world.

1 comment:

  1. My favorite video here is by far the third one. He begins the Candlebox “Far Behind” Guitar Lesson by making clear that “I’m not going to teach you the whole song…the song’s ridiculously long.” Which is great. By virtue of how shaky the camera is the cameraman just smoked some ice and isn’t going to remember that he filmed this. Duke’s guitar sounds really shrill and half-out of tune also. He furthermore makes clear at the end that “he hasn’t actually heard the real song in a while…but yeah, that’s basically it. That’s the whole song.” Candlebox is really good though. I think in the actual “Far Behind” music video they performed the song in an empty swimming pool.
